Things to Do to Prevent Dental Anxiety

Things to Do to Prevent Dental Anxiety

Posted by Korte Family Dentistry Mar 09,2022

If the thought of visiting the dentist gives you unpleasant feelings of stress, fear, or uneasiness, you are not alone. Dental anxiety is a serious issue that can lead to delaying visits to the dentist, often aggravating dental issues and leading to requiring more elaborate dental procedures later on.

Here are 5 things you can do to prevent dental anxiety recommended by Dr. Allen Korte and our team of dental experts at Korte Family Dentistry in Lincoln, Nebraska:

Find the Right Dentist/Dental Clinic

Finding the right dentist and the right dental clinic is the first and perhaps most important step in getting rid of dental anxiety. The right dentist will not only understand and patiently listen to your health concerns but also make sure that you are comfortable with the dental procedures. 

Calm Your Nerves and Distract Yourself

Try listening to music or a podcast to calm yourself down or distract yourself by playing a game on your phone. Doing relaxing activities before you visit the dentist can help you calm your nerves. Limiting caffeine intake will also help.

Schedule an Early Morning Appointment

Visiting your dentist in the morning will help you avoid going through unnecessary stress for the entire day. Also, since the clinic will be less busy at this point, your dentist will be able to give you more time to familiarize yourself with the procedure.

Bring Along a Loved One

Get a friend or a loved one to accompany you to the dentist for your visit. You will not only be in good company but will also have someone to drive you back home after the visit if required. You should also plan a fun activity afterward to reward yourself.

Ask for Sedation/Anesthesia

Communication is important. Talk to your dentist and ask for oral sedation/anesthesia for any procedures that you may be particularly fearful of.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Taking care of your teeth by brushing them twice daily for two minutes and flossing will help prevent dental issues in the long run. It is also important to visit your dentist at least once every six months for routine checkups to ensure good oral health.

Dental anxiety is real and our dedicated team at Korte Family Dentistry is here for you. Contact us at (402) 489-3115 to learn more about how we can help you prevent and deal with dental anxiety. You can also visit us at 3901 Normal Blvd STE 202, Lincoln, NE 68506.

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