According to the Academy of General Dentistry, almost 53,000 individuals in the U.S. are expected to receive an oral cancer diagnosis this year, making it the sixth most common type of cancer. And, every hour of every day, one individual dies from oral cancer.
Routine checkups with our dentist in Lincoln, NE, will help more than your smile only. They’re an essential aid in checking for signs of oral cancer.
The American Dental Association recommends you have a dental checkup twice a year to have your teeth professionally cleaned and your mouth screened for potential signs of gum issues and tooth decay. A lot of dentists, including ours at Korte Family Dentistry, use regular dental exams to look for signs of oral cancer.
Knowing your risk factors is the most important first thing to do. For instance, men have twice the chance of developing oral cancer as they age.
Common risk factors that could increase your risk are:
Give us a call, and we’ll let you know if you should come in for a screening.
There are signs of oral cancer you shouldn’t ignore, especially if they don’t go away after a couple of weeks. These include:
Some individuals complain of a sore throat, saying it feels like they have something caught in their throat. They may also complain of hoarseness, numbness, or a change in voice. If you experience any of these symptoms, give us a call.
Don’t wait until you experience pain. Pain isn’t always a predictable indicator. So, if it doesn’t hurt, don’t just assume it’s not a problem.
The goal of oral cancer screening in Lincoln, NE, is to detect precancerous lesions that could result in mouth cancer. The earlier the cancer is caught, the better.
In your oral cancer screening, we’ll examine the inside of your mouth to look for white or red patches and other sores. We’ll check for lumps and other irregularities by feeling the tissues in your mouth. We’ll also examine your neck and throat for lumps.
If we discover any signs of precancerous lesions or mouth cancer, we’ll have you come in a few weeks later for a follow-up visit to see if the abnormalities are still present. If they are, we’ll check if they’ve changed or grown over time. We’ll have a biopsy performed, removing a sample of cells to test in the laboratory to determine if there are cancer cells. If they are, we will develop a treatment plan.
Oral cancer is a big deal, and ignoring the signs could be life-threatening. Because of this, it’s important you schedule an appointment with Korte Family Dentistry to have an oral cancer screening done.
We care about not just your oral health but your overall health too. Click here to set up your consultation with our Lincoln, NE dentist, Dr. Allen Korte.
3901 Normal Blvd STE 202, Lincoln, NE 68506
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